Macie's Blog

We’re Not Lost, We’re Adventuring! 🌲



Hey lovelies,

Today’s headline? “Map? Who needs ‘em!” Yep, you guessed it. Jordan and I are officially lost, somewhere amidst nature’s grandeur, without a clue where the next turn will take us.

As the GPS signal said goodbye, we unintentionally welcomed a detour into the unknown. The paved roads transformed into rustic paths lined with towering trees, their leaves whispering tales of adventures gone by. We stumbled upon the quirkiest landmarks – a giant rubber band ball, a mysterious “haunted” motel, and a diner where every meal is bacon-themed. Unique? Hilariously so.

In the middle of nowhere, a silver-haired man with a map tattooed on his arm (talk about ironic) asked for my Snapchat after helping us with directions. Today’s vibe? Adventurous. So why not? Let’s add some random fun to the mix. 📸

Though we are geographically challenged, the laughter hasn’t stopped. Jordan and I find humor in our hopeless navigation skills, and every unexpected encounter adds a chapter to our road trip saga.

Here’s the scoop: Getting lost isn’t half as bad when you’re in good company, rocking the perfect (if slightly inappropriate) outfit, and ready to embrace every unexpected twist and turn with a smile. The deadlines, the city’s chaos, the precise routes – they all seem trivial when you’re navigating life’s grand, unpredictable map.

Are we lost? Technically, yes. But in the grand scheme of things, aren’t we all just finding our way one misstep at a time? Stay tuned as Jordan and I continue our journey of delightful disarray, unexpected friendships, and lessons learned off the beaten path. Adventure is out there, and we’re here for it, in all its unplanned glory!

Keep wandering and wondering, beauties! 💫

Love, Macie xoxo

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