Macie's Blog

Reflecting on the Journey 🚗💨



Hey Crew,

As the road unwinds behind us, it’s time for some good ol’ reflection. The journey’s been as wild as my wardrobe choices for serious events! (Yep, rocking a mini crop top at a chili cook-off, classic Macie! 😂)

At a truck stop, eating a sandwich, met a woman. Her face told stories, her luck all run out, years ago. We talked and I bought her lunch. Just a small thing, but it seemed to brighten her day.

Oh, and Jordan, my girl, and I are like two peas in a pod. Spilled the beans about my SnapChat crush, Bryce. Okay, didn’t spill ALL the beans. Kept the part where he’s got more years on him than a vintage wine, on the hush-hush. 🤫

OMG, almost forgot…it’s HALLOWEEN TONIGHT! 🎃 While J drives, my thumbs are on a mission, tapping into texts and Snapchat. I’m on a hunt, y’all, seeking the pulse of the best Halloween party. The whispers of ghosts and goblins call me to dance in the embrace of the October chill.

Jordan’s soooo tired from this all, dreams of her bed clouding her eyes, but your girl’s got the hunger for the haunt! Trying to find a place to go out tonight but of course, we are a day away from home. So if I find something, it will be dumb luck!!

Back to the quest, my lovelies, as the road unwinds and the pulse of Halloween beats in the digital dance of my phone screen. The adventure, like the night, is young, and the whispers of witches and werewolves beckon my road-trip weary ass.

Love, Macie xoxo

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