Kelly's Blog

Dancing Through New Beginnings



Life’s dishing out surprises and who am I not to take a hearty bite?

Met Anna at a book club.

Yeah, who knew those words would ever flow from my fingertips?

She’s like flipping through your favorite novel on a lazy Sunday afternoon, each page a gentle caress of shared intellect and laughter.

This lady’s got the whole package – brains, beauty, and a backbone carved from five years of wedded ups and downs.

There’s a twinkle in her eye, the kind that writes poetry in the air. It’s so refreshingly different, this connection.

It feels like slipping into a pair of comfy socks on a chilly evening, everything just fits, snug and warm.

Back home, amidst the noise of bouncing basketballs and the tornado-like whirl of daily chaos, her laughter echoes in my mind, a soothing melody that drowns out the dissonance.

As I roll out my yoga mat on the narrow strip of free floor, a smile pirouettes on my lips. The world feels softer, a touch more pliable.

Anna’s reflections mingle with mine as I jog beneath the mellow hues of dawn. My legs move with a newfound lightness, each stride a soft tap in a harmonious dance. My breaths weave a rhythmic pattern with the rustling leaves, the world in synchrony with my heartbeat.

Yet, in this euphoric vibe, Anna’s wisdom whispers gently, her words a silken scarf that cradles my racing thoughts.

The sprint slows to a stroll, a delicate meander through the lanes of self-love and acceptance. I’m learning to embrace the uneven beats, the staccato notes of life’s grand composition.

In the tender embrace of newfound friendship, I unearth fragments of forgotten dreams and whispers of neglected passions. The intricate tapestry of life unravels, revealing hues of resilience, strength, and unexpected ties of unity.

Oh, the exhilaration of exploration, the joyous tumble through the rabbit hole of self-discovery! In Anna’s mirror, I glimpse the vibrant reflections of my diverse dimensions, a kaleidoscopic dance of light, color, and boundless potential.

The journey unfolds, a lighthearted leap into the boundless expanse of possibility, propelled by the gentle gusts of unexpected ties and the tender touch of newfound friendship.


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