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5 Fashion Mistakes Everyone Makes in Their Teens

Abby K.




Heyyy fashionistas! 💖 We’ve all been there – the cringe-worthy photos of our teen years filled with questionable fashion choices. But guess what? You weren’t alone. Let’s dive into the 5 fashion mistakes everyone makes in their teens and get a good laugh (and learn a lesson or two)! 🤓

1. Following Every Single Trend 🙅‍♀️

Oh, the allure of flashy fashion trends! They sweep in, dominating social media, celebrity outfits, and store displays. It’s almost impossible to resist buying that funky pair of shoes or oversized hat when everyone seems to be rocking them. But remember, just because something is trending, it doesn’t mean it’s a good fit for everyone or every body type. In our teens, we’re still discovering our own unique style, and blindly following every new trend can lead to a closet full of regrettable purchases and unflattering photos.

Let’s break it down: not every color, cut, or style will suit every person. Some trends might not work with your body shape, your skin tone, or your personal aesthetic. And that’s totally okay! For example, while neon might be hot for a season, it may not mesh well with your more understated and elegant style. And while baggy clothes might be in, they might swamp your frame and not give you the fashion-forward look you’re aiming for.

The real deal? Invest in pieces that are timeless and that you feel fabulous in. Choose clothes that highlight your favorite features and make you feel confident and beautiful. If a trend aligns with your personal style, go for it! But never feel pressured to overhaul your wardrobe with each passing fashion season. Trends come and go, but your unique style and the pieces that make you feel your best will stand the test of time. It’s about balancing the fun of fashion with the understanding of what truly works for you.

It’s also crucial to consider the practicality and comfort of trends. Yes, those ultra-high heels may be in vogue, but if you can’t comfortably walk in them, they’re not the right trend for you. Fashion should not only make you look good but should also make you feel good. Always prioritize your comfort and well-being over fitting into the latest trend. Be the trendsetter by wearing clothes that epitomize your style, comfort, and personality, and watch as the world follows suit!

2. Wearing the Wrong Size 👗

How many times have we fallen in love with a piece of clothing on the rack, only to realize it doesn’t fit quite right? Despite this, the temptation to buy it anyway can be overwhelming. “It’s just a little tight, it will stretch out,” or “It’s a bit loose, but no one will notice,” we tell ourselves. But wearing clothes that are too big or too small is a common fashion mistake that can lead to discomfort, restricted movement, and an unflattering silhouette.

Wearing the wrong size clothing is not just about comfort (which is supremely important, by the way), but it’s also about how you present yourself to the world . Clothes that don’t fit properly can bunch, gape, or pull, drawing attention to areas you might not want to highlight, and detracting from the overall impression of your outfit. It’s easy to get hung up on the size label, but sizes can vary greatly between different brands and designers. That’s why it’s so important to try on clothes before purchasing and focus on how they fit and feel, rather than getting hung up on the number on the tag.

Let’s get real: your size does not define you. Everybody and every BODY is beautiful, and wearing clothes that fit well and make you feel good is the most important thing. It’s about embracing your body and showcasing your beauty in outfits that fit you like a glove. Instead of forcing yourself into a smaller size or feeling drowned in a size too large, opt for clothes that suit your body type and accentuate your features. The right fit can elevate your look, enhance your assets, and boost your confidence to new heights.

Need another reason to wear the right size? Your health! Clothes that are too tight can restrict blood circulation, cause chafing and discomfort, and even contribute to issues like acid reflux. On the flip side, clothes that are too loose might make you feel frumpy and not give you the stylish look you’re aiming for.

So, next time you go shopping, forget the numbers and sizes. Try on different pieces, and trust your feelings and the mirror. If you’re constantly adjusting, tugging, or feeling suffocated, it’s not the right fit. Your clothing should be a second skin, moving with you, and making you feel comfortable, confident, and utterly fabulous!

3. Overdoing Accessories 💍

Accessories are the cherry on top of any outfit – they add a dash of style, a hint of sparkle, and a touch of personality to your look. However, in our enthusiasm to make a statement, it’s easy to go overboard. Over-accessorizing is a common fashion faux pas that many of us make in our teen years. Piling on too many necklaces, bracelets, and rings can make an outfit look cluttered rather than chic, and distract from your overall look.

Imagine this: you’re wearing a stunning, elegant dress, and you decide to pair it with big earrings, several layered necklaces, a stack of bangles, a chunky belt, and a flashy hat. Sounds a bit much, right? The accessories, instead of enhancing your outfit, compete for attention and can overshadow not only your outfit but also you!

It’s important to remember that accessories should complement your outfit, not compete with it. Less is often more when it comes to accessorizing. Choose one statement piece – be it a beautiful pair of earrings, a chic necklace, or a trendy handbag – and let it shine. Keep other accessories minimal and understated to avoid the cluttered look. This strategy allows your statement piece to stand out and doesn’t dilute your overall look.

If you’re wearing a busy outfit with lots of colors, patterns, or embellishments, keep your accessories simple. On the other hand, if your outfit is simple and understated, feel free to jazz it up with a bold accessory. It’s all about balance and ensuring that your accessories enhance your outfit and reflect your personal style, rather than overwhelming it.

Additionally, consider the occasion. Flashy, extravagant accessories might be perfect for a night out on the town, but they’re not typically suitable for a professional or formal setting. Choose accessories that are appropriate for the occasion and setting, ensuring that they add to your outfit in a positive, stylish way.

4. Ignoring Comfort 🥿

Beauty is pain? Think again! Ignoring comfort is a cardinal sin we’re all guilty of committing in our teens. It’s easy to be swayed by a gorgeous pair of stilettos or a stunning, but suffocating, bodycon dress. However, sacrificing comfort for style can leave you feeling miserable and self-conscious instead of confident and fabulous. Fashion should empower you, not make you uncomfortable!

Imagine you’re at a party, dressed to the nines in a pair of heels that are killing your feet. Instead of enjoying yourself, you’re fixated on the pain and counting down the minutes until you can take those heels off. Or, you’re wearing a trendy outfit that you constantly have to adjust because it’s too tight or too revealing. It’s hard to feel confident and have fun when you’re uncomfortable!

The truth is, comfort and style are not mutually exclusive. Many trends are both chic and comfortable, and prioritizing comfort does not mean compromising on style. Choose fabrics that feel good against your skin, fits that allow you to move freely, and shoes that you can comfortably walk in. Look for stylish yet comfortable pieces that make you feel as good as you look. Whether it’s a cozy pair of boots, a flowing dress, or a cute and comfy pair of jeans, your fashion choices should enhance your comfort, not detract from it.

By focusing on comfort, you’re also taking care of your physical health. Tight, uncomfortable shoes can cause blisters, callouses, and other foot issues, while tight, restrictive clothing can cause chafing and discomfort. Plus, being comfortable in your outfit boosts your confidence, allowing your true personality to shine through. When you feel good in what you’re wearing, it shows! Your comfort will translate into confidence, making any outfit look even better.

Remember that your style is an extension of you. It’s a way to express your unique personality, tastes, and preferences. Your outfits should make you feel happy, comfortable, and confident. So, next time you’re shopping, think beyond the aesthetics. Try on outfits and assess not only how they look but also how they feel. Opt for pieces that make you feel comfortable, and watch as your confidence and style reach new heights!

5. Not Dressing for the Occasion 👠

We’ve all been there – showing up at a casual get-together overdressed, or feeling underdressed at a more formal event. Not dressing for the occasion is a common mistake we make in our teens, and it can make us feel awkward and out of place. It’s not just about looking good; it’s also about appropriateness and showing respect for the event and the people hosting it.

Imagine going to a friend’s birthday barbecue in a glittering, floor-length gown, or attending a wedding in ripped jeans and a t-shirt. Inappropriate, right? Dressing inappropriately for an event can draw unwanted attention and make both you and others around you uncomfortable. It’s about striking the right balance and making thoughtful fashion choices that align with the occasion.

Each event and setting have their own unspoken dress codes, and it’s essential to be mindful of them. A glamorous dress and high heels might be perfect for a cocktail party, but they’re not suitable for a laid-back beach gathering. On the flip side, casual wear is great for hanging out with friends, but it’s not appropriate for formal events or professional settings. Understand the nature of the event, consider the venue, time, and what others might be wearing, and dress accordingly.

But what if you’re unsure about the dress code? When in doubt, it’s better to be slightly overdressed than underdressed . If you’re unsure about how formal an event will be, opt for a versatile outfit that can be dressed up or down with accessories, shoes, and other pieces. You can also reach out to the host or other attendees to get a better sense of the appropriate attire.

Remember, dressing appropriately for an occasion is a sign of respect and consideration. It shows that you’ve put thought into your outfit and that you care about presenting yourself well. Plus, dressing for the occasion ensures that you feel comfortable and confident in the setting, allowing you to fully enjoy the event and interact with others without feeling self-conscious about your outfit.

Wrapping Up

There you have it! The 5 common fashion mistakes we’ve all made in our teens. Remember, fashion is a way to express yourself, so have fun with it, make mistakes, and learn from them! Your unique style is always the best choice! 💖

Hey there! I'm Abby, the proud editor here, holding the fort at this fabulous site. My journey in the world of words began three years ago, and it's been an adventure writing for various websites and connecting with amazing readers like you. Apart from passionately discussing fashion, health and other tips, you can often find me snuggled up with my purr-fect kitties (no judgments, please!) or hunting down the next best Mexican food joint in town. Want to write for Shimmer Vibe? Well what are you waiting for, DM me rn!!

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Making the Case for ‘Candy Floss’ Thongs

Macie M.




Hey, girl! 👋 Is it time to wave goodbye to those granny panties? 👵 If you’ve been eyeing the trendier, more mature styles like thongs but aren’t sure if you’re ready to make the leap (or if you even have permission to!), you’re in the right place! 🎯 Let’s talk about why it might be time to upgrade your underwear game, and why ‘Candy Floss’ thongs are the sweetest way to do it! 🍭

Why Upgrade Your Undergarment Style? 🚀

Making the switch from traditional panties to more modern styles can feel like a big step, but it’s actually a totally normal part of growing up. ✨ From fitted leggings to bodycon dresses, thongs help you avoid the dreaded visible panty line (VPL) and keep you looking smooth and sleek. 💯 Plus, who doesn’t want a little boost in confidence knowing their undies are cute and on point?

Meet ‘Candy Floss’ Thongs: Your New BFF 💞

So, what makes ‘Candy Floss’ thongs the ultimate choice? Think soft fabrics, fun colors, and designs that are perfect for older teens like you. 🌸 These thongs are all about comfort and style, without any of the intimidation that comes with the usual “grown-up” thongs. They’re breathable, comfy, and let’s be real—they’re adorable. 🥰

Worried about myths like thongs being uncomfortable or unhygienic? 🤔 Let’s bust those right now! ‘Candy Floss’ thongs are made with your comfort in mind, using fabrics that keep you feeling fresh all day long. And as long as you’re choosing the right size and washing them properly, you’re good to go! 🚿

How to Talk to Your Parents About It 💬

Okay, we get it. Bringing up thongs with your parents might feel awkward. 😅 But it doesn’t have to be a big deal! Here are some tips to make the convo a little easier:

  • Pick the Right Moment: Choose a time when everyone’s relaxed and not in a rush. 🕒
  • Be Honest: Let them know why you’re interested—whether it’s for no VPLs, comfort, or just feeling more confident. 💪
  • Highlight the Practical Side: Mention how ‘Candy Floss’ thongs are designed with teens in mind, focusing on comfort and fun styles. 🎀

And remember, it’s okay if they need some time to warm up to the idea. You’re growing up, and this is just one of the many changes along the way. 🌟

From Side-Eyes to High-Fives: Surviving Locker Room Reactions 👀

We get it—one of the scariest parts of switching to thongs is wondering what your classmates might think or say when you’re changing for gym. 😬 Will they notice? Will there be comments or whispers? Relax, because you’re not alone, and we’ve got your back! Here’s how to handle any locker room jitters like a pro. 💪

First things first: Own it. Confidence is your best accessory, and it’s the number one way to shut down any gossip. If someone notices your ‘Candy Floss’ thong and makes a comment, just smile and say, “Yeah, they’re super comfy!” 😎 Keep it light and confident. Often, when people see that you’re unfazed, they’ll drop the topic. Your vibe is all about comfort, style, and feeling good—nothing to be embarrassed about! 🌈

If someone tries to be negative or make you feel awkward, remember, it says more about them than it does about you. 🙅‍♀️ Sometimes, people react out of jealousy or because they wish they had the same level of confidence. Stand tall, don’t engage in negativity, and know that you’re rocking your own style. And hey, you might even inspire someone else to make the switch! 💫

Finally, surround yourself with supportive friends who lift you up, not bring you down. 💖 A good friend will have your back no matter what you’re wearing. And when you’re confident in your choices, it’ll shine through, making it clear to everyone that you’re in charge of your style, no explanations needed. So, strut your stuff and keep being you! 🙌

Nervous About the Big Reveal? 😳

We’ve all been there—getting ready for a date and feeling those butterflies in your stomach. 🦋 You’ve picked out the perfect outfit, your hair is on point, and now there’s just one thing on your mind: What if the night takes an unexpected romantic turn and he sees your new ‘Candy Floss’ thong? 😬 Deep breath, girl, because you’ve got this! 💁‍♀️

First things first, remember that confidence is key. 💯 Your underwear is just one part of your whole fabulous package, and if you love how they make you feel, that’s all that matters! But we get it—the nerves can be real. If the moment comes and he notices, keep it cool and casual. A playful smile and a light-hearted comment like, “I guess you’re getting a sneak peek at my style upgrade! 😉” can keep the mood fun and flirty.

Chances are, he’ll be curious and to see all of it – so embrace the moment and show off your style!

The Do’s and Don’ts of Wearing Thongs ✅❌

Ready to give thongs a try? Here are some quick do’s and don’ts to keep in mind:

  • Do choose the right size—no one likes a too-tight thong! 👎
  • Do opt for breathable fabrics to stay fresh and comfy all day. 🌬️
  • Don’t feel like you have to wear them all the time. Start slow and find what works best for you. 🐢

Building Confidence in Your New Style 🌈

It’s totally normal to feel a little unsure at first. 🙈 Start by wearing your new ‘Candy Floss’ thongs at home to get used to the fit and feel. As you get more comfortable, you’ll start to feel that confidence boost every time you slip one on. 💃 Remember, this is about you—finding what makes you feel best, most comfortable, and totally you. 💫

Out with the Old, In With the Bold🎉

There you have it! From considering the switch to feeling fab in your new thongs, ‘Candy Floss’ has got your back (and your bum!). Ready to make the switch? Check out the latest collection and find your new fave pair today. 🛍️✨ It’s all about feeling good, looking great, and owning your choices. You’ve got this! 🙌

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How to Rock a Bikini as a Plus-Size Woman

Kelly D.



plus size bikini tips
Summer is on the way, and it’s time to talk about something we all secretly dread but absolutely love – bikini season! Yes, you heard it right. It’s time to embrace those beautiful curves and strut your stuff at the beach or poolside. Being a plus-size doesn’t mean you can’t rock a bikini. In fact, it means you’ve got more to flaunt! So, let’s dive into how you can sizzle this summer in your bikini, regardless of your size. Spoiler alert: It’s all about confidence! 😎

1. Embracing Your Body

The first step to rocking a bikini is to love the skin you’re in. Every body is a bikini body – remember that. You don’t need to fit into a certain size to look fabulous. Your body is unique and beautiful, so own it! Embracing your body also means understanding and loving your shape. Are you an apple, pear, hourglass, or rectangle? Knowing this can help you choose a bikini that flatters your best assets.

2. Finding the Perfect Fit

When it comes to bikinis, fit is everything. A well-fitted bikini can make you feel like a million bucks. Look for bikinis with adjustable straps, underwire support, or high-waisted bottoms if that’s what makes you comfortable. There’s a myriad of styles out there – from bandeaus to tankinis to high-waist bikinis. Experiment with different styles and find what makes you feel confident and comfortable.

3. Bold and Beautiful Colors and Patterns

Gone are the days when plus-size clothing only came in bland colors. Today, it’s all about vibrant colors and bold patterns. Don’t shy away from trying something bright or with a funky pattern. If you love it, wear it. Florals, stripes, polka dots, or even animal prints can add a fun element to your beach look.

4. Accessorizing Your Look

A bikini look isn’t complete without some cool accessories. A wide-brimmed hat, stylish sunglasses, or a sheer cover-up can elevate your beach outfit. Accessories are not just add-ons; they’re confidence boosters too. Plus, they are great for when you’re lounging at the bar post-swim.

5. Positive Mindset

Your mindset plays a huge role in how you perceive yourself. Fill your mind with positive affirmations. Remind yourself that you are beautiful, and you deserve to enjoy the sun and the sea just like anyone else. Confidence is a state of mind, and once you master it, you’ll rock that bikini like a supermodel!

6. Taking Care of Your Bikini Body

Looking good in a bikini also means taking care of your body. This doesn’t mean you need to hit the gym and go on a diet. It’s about being healthy and happy. Drink plenty of water, eat foods that make you feel good, and indulge in self-care rituals that make you happy. This will reflect in your overall appearance and mindset.

7. Rock the Beach with Confidence

Now that you’re armed with these tips, it’s time to hit the beach or the pool. Remember, confidence is your best accessory. Wear it proudly, and don’t let anyone dull your sparkle. You are amazing, and it’s time the world sees it. So, go out there and rock that bikini, girl! 🌟

8. Experiment with Different Styles

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different bikini styles. Try a high-waisted bikini for a vintage look or a string bikini for a classic beach vibe. Each style brings something unique to the table and can highlight different parts of your body in a flattering way. You might be surprised at what looks fabulous on you!

9. Supportive Swimwear is Key

Supportive swimwear can make a world of difference, especially for those with a fuller bust. Look for bikinis with good bust support – think underwires and thicker straps. These provide both comfort and a flattering fit, ensuring you feel secure and stylish all day long.

10. Don’t Forget Sun Protection

While we’re focusing on style, let’s not forget about sun protection. A sunburn is never a good look (or feel)! Make sure to slather on that SPF, and consider wearing a cute rash guard if you’ll be out in the sun for extended periods. It’s a stylish way to protect your skin from harmful UV rays.

11. Connect with Body Positive Communities

Surrounding yourself with positive influences can do wonders for your self-esteem. Follow body-positive influencers, join online communities, and engage with content that uplifts and empowers plus-size women. Seeing others rock their bikinis with confidence can be incredibly motivating and affirming.

12. Practice Self-Love and Self-Care

Finally, remember that self-love and self-care go a long way in boosting your confidence. Treat yourself kindly, speak to yourself with love, and do things that make you feel good about yourself. Whether it’s yoga, reading, or pampering yourself with a spa day, do more of what makes you happy and less of what doesn’t.

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Shiny Leggings: The Must-Have Accessory for Every Season

Macie M.



Guide to Shiny pants

Hey ladies! 🌟 Ready to add a dash of dazzle to your daily outfits? Shiny leggings are more than a fleeting trend – they are a bold fashion statement that can be rocked in every season. Whether you’re brunching with friends or hitting the town at night, these leggings are your go-to for an instant style upgrade. Let’s explore how you can incorporate this versatile piece into your wardrobe for year-round fabulousness! ✨

Winter Wonderland

Think shiny leggings are only for warmer months? Think again! In winter, they can be your secret weapon for style. Imagine pairing silver or gold shiny leggings with an oversized, chunky knit sweater. The contrast between the snug sweater and the sleek leggings creates a perfectly balanced, yet striking look. Add in some ankle boots, perhaps with a little fur detail, and a colorful beanie for a touch of playfulness. And for those extra chilly days, don’t forget a long, elegant coat – it not only keeps you warm but also adds a layer of sophistication. ❄️

Spring Fling

As the world awakens in spring, your wardrobe should too! Shiny leggings can be a breath of fresh air when paired with the season’s staples. Think light, airy, floral tops that complement the sheen of your leggings. A lightweight cardigan in pastel shades can add a soft touch, perfect for those cooler spring days. And for footwear? A pair of cute ballet flats or strappy sandals can complete your look. Spring is all about new beginnings, and your fashion choices should echo this vibrant energy. 🌸

Summer Vibes

When the temperatures rise, your style doesn’t have to take a backseat. Shiny leggings can be surprisingly cool and comfortable, even in the heat. Pair them with a breezy, off-shoulder crop top or a simple, flowy tank top. For shoes, flip-flops, or open-toe sandals are perfect for a relaxed yet stylish summer outfit. And of course, no summer look is complete without some killer sunglasses to add an extra layer of cool to your shiny ensemble. ☀️

Autumn Chic

Autumn is the season of layering, and shiny leggings are an excellent base for your fall fashion experiments. Start with a long-sleeved tee, perhaps with some interesting details like lace or embroidery. Then add a denim or leather jacket for an edgy, yet approachable look. Your footwear can define the outfit – sneakers for a casual day out, or combat boots for a more adventurous vibe. Don’t forget to accessorize with a scarf or a statement hat to complete your autumnal ensemble. 🍂

Styling Tips for Shiny Leggings

Now that we’ve covered seasonal styling, here are some tips to make sure your shiny leggings always look on point:

Balance is Key

Since shiny leggings are a bold item, balance them with subdued tops. Opt for solid colors or minimal patterns to let your leggings be the center of attention. This balance is crucial to avoid overwhelming your look.

Play with Textures

Texture mixing can bring depth to your outfit. Try pairing your shiny leggings with different materials like a cotton blouse, a denim jacket, or a leather accessory. This contrast in textures creates a visually interesting and sophisticated outfit.

Accessorize Wisely

When it comes to accessories, less is more. A simple necklace, a pair of stud earrings, or a sleek watch can perfectly complement your leggings without stealing their shine.

Choose the Right Footwear

Your choice of footwear can dramatically change the vibe of your outfit. Boots, heels, or sneakers – each offers a different feel and can be chosen based on the occasion and your personal style.

Confidence is Your Best Accessory

Remember, the most important part of any outfit is how you wear it. Confidence is your best accessory, so wear your shiny leggings with pride and a smile. 😊

Transitioning from Day to Night

One of the great things about shiny leggings is their versatility. Here’s how you can transition them effortlessly from day to night:

Day Look

For a casual day look, go for a comfortable tunic or a simple tee. Add a pair of sneakers or casual flats, and you have an outfit that’s perfect for running errands or a casual meetup with friends.

Night Look

When night falls, it’s time to amp up the glam. Switch to a more ornate top – perhaps something with sequins, silk, or lace. Slip into a pair of high heels, grab a chic clutch, and add some bold makeup to transform your look for an evening out. You’re now ready to turn heads and shine under the night sky.

So, there you have it – a complete guide to rocking shiny leggings throughout the year. Remember, fashion is about expressing your unique self. Don’t be afraid to experiment and find the style that makes you feel fabulous. Happy styling, and let the world see the unique sparkle you bring! ✨

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